
Mr. Lawrance Ofarabia

Personnel Manager

Downtoearth Investments,

555 Giveup Lane

Wetres, WY 258


Angel Fullpower

5879 Heartfelt Lane

Tureba, NM 2365

21st November, 2010

Dear Angel,

This letter is to inform you that your request for leave has been approved by the company. You would recall that you had applied for the leave at the beginning of the year. The management has approved this leave for 30 days only. The relevant departments and units have been informed of your period of leave.

The accounts department has already been informed about you leave and they are going to ensure that your salary and other entitlements are credited to your account on time. We hope you enjoy your leave.

Yours faithfully,

Lawrence Ofarabia

Personnel Manager

1/8/2018 10:30:28 pm

I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Now you make it easy for me to understand and implement the concept. Thank you for the post.


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